An injury forces O’Connell to join a team of SOF operators training to become counterterrorism intelligence collectors. While at the CIA Farm, Sue learns that her family has a more complex history in the CIA than she thought: A history that includes both counterintelligence secrets and a 60 year-old Russian vendetta.
“If you like good tales of the shadowy, often hard-edged world of counter-terrorism, read Mike 4! Written by a veteran of ‘the community,’ it will teach while it entertains.” — GENERAL STANLEY MCCHRYSTAL, author of My Share of the Task: A Memoir and Team of Teams: New Rules of Engagement for a Complex World
SOF intelligence operator Sue O’Connell, callsign MIKE4, returns to hunt down a terrorist network determined to acquire nuclear material for a dirty bomb. As part of that effort, Sue must rescue a kidnapped colleague someplace on the Syrian-Iraq border. Meanwhile, both her mother and her brother continue to face the threat of the vendetta with a Russian mafia family.
“Many novels about military and intelligence operations carry a whisper of legitimacy. J.R. Seeger’s Friend or Foe is a well-told tale that shouts authenticity.”
—CAPT BILL HARLOW, USN, (Ret.), Former Chief Spokesman, Central Intelligence Agency
“Friend or Foe is not only a riveting read, but a revealing look into the complex and fascinating world of special operations and intelligence. Written by a veteran of both elite military service and 21st-century spycraft, this book offers an authenticity rarely found elsewhere. Exciting and immediately engaging—grab it!”
—RALPH PETERS, author of Cain At Gettysburg and Lines of Fire
“Friend or Foe captures the tension and uncertainty of special ops! In this constantly shifting story, you feel like you are part of the operation— told as only someone who has done this for living can. One warning— when you start reading, be prepared to not put it down.”
—RICK FRANCONA, author of Ally to Adversary and Chasing Demons
“JR Seeger explores the increasing overlap between America’s Special Forces warriors and their silent cousins in the intelligence community. Nobody is better positioned to tell these stories. Seeger has been on the front lines of the post-9/11 wars and his breadth and depth of experience is visible on every page. Seeger has developed enduring characters who allow him to explore issues related to war, family and betrayal.”
—JOHN SIPHER, retired CIA Senior Intelligence Service and co-founder of Spycraft Entertainment
“In this suspense-filled thriller, Seeger takes his readers on a voyage of discovery across a dangerous, clandestine world he knows so well. His own experience in special ops add unmatched granularity and reality to a fast- paced, terrific yarn.”
—MILT BEARDEN, author of The Black Tulip and co-author of The Main Enemy
“This is a fast-paced, readable novel that is firmly rooted in the history of Special Operations in World War II. Through the adventures of memorable characters from a variety of countries, mostly American but also British, German, French, and even Soviet, the author introduces us to the complexities of the war behind the lines across the globe. He clearly knows his stuff; the combat scenes are vivid, the tactics nuanced and sophisticated, with a host of political problems lurking in the background.”
—COL. (retired) NICHOLAS REYNOLDS, author of Ernest Hemingway: Writer, Sailor, Soldier, Spy and Basra, Baghdad, and Beyond: The United States Marine Corps in the Second Iraq War
“Seeger quickly immerses the reader into the world and missions of the OSS, our nation’s first special operations and intelligence organization. The writing, the ‘feel,’ and behaviors of the characters are authentic, with plenty here to engage both the veteran operator, as well as the casual reader interested in better understanding the actions, courage of our OSS heroes.”
—LTG (retired) JOHN MULHOLLAND, former Deputy Commander, US Special Operations Command and former Commander, US Army Special Operation Command
“Seeger has crafted a fast-paced narrative which carries the reader to multiple hotspots during WWII. His Peter O’Connell is the kind of wide-ranging and inventive OSS everyman that would make Wild Bill Donovan proud. The reader is treated to partisan fighting in Italy, Jedburgh missions in France, and Special Intelligence operations in India. This book may be fictional, but the accuracy and attention to detail yields a fine overview of the extraordinary contributions of a heretofore under-appreciated wartime agency.”
—ANN TODD, author of OSS Operation Black Mail: One Woman’s Covert War Against the Imperial Japanese Army
A murder in East Aurora begins another tale of the espionage adventures of the O’Connell family. As retired CIA officer Barbara O’Connell follows the trail of an Irish assassin, her daughter, SOF operator Sue O’Connell (AKA MIKE4), tracks a terrorist smuggling ring in Afghanistan. The two threads of the story end with a final, explosive climax on the Dalmatian Coast of the Adriatic Sea.
“JR Seeger has written the heart and soul of person who must make hard decisions at the hardest moment, often in a world of grey, of lies. Drawn straight from the street, from the field, which Seeger knows better than anyone.”
— Doug Stanton, New York Times best-selling author of 12 Strong and The Odyssey of Echo Company
“In The Silicon Addiction retired 82nd Airborne paratrooper and CIA officer J.R. Seeger delivers another thrilling espionage adventure. This time Special Forces Operator Sue O’Connell’s mission is to detect and neutralize a threat in cyber space. From a source meeting in Dubai to a high-speed chase along New York Route 16 and a gun fight in Tadzhikistan, Seeger demonstrates a sophisticated command of military special operations and spying tradecraft. O’Connell’s introspective discussion about 9/11 with her comrade in arms “Flash” demonstrates Seeger’s skill in entwining character development with a riveting plot, best read in one sitting.”
—Dan Hoffman, retired member of the CIA Senior Intelligence Service and Fox News Media Contributor
When the two operations collide with a scheme involving a vast, new playground for ambition, treachery reaches startling heights.
“With so many espionage and special ops thriller writers out there, Seeger is unique in that he lived and thrived in both worlds. Playground for Ambition captures that professional experience in a highly entertaining and well-crafted espionage tale.”
MARK KELTON, former chief of the CIA Counterintelligence Center
J.R. has lived almost every adventure that he writes about. From his elite service in the US Army Airborne to his stellar career at the CIA, J.R.’s knowledge of special operations is endless. He was great at the CIA from the start. I know, we were classmates at “The Farm.” —ENRIQUE “RIC” PRADO, CHIEF OPERATIONS AT THE CIA’S
Once again, the paths of Sue and Barbara twist and converge. Once again, they find themselves targeted obstacles to be eliminated by the Russian mercenaries known as SWORDFISH.
J.R. SEEGER is a western New York native who served as a U.S. Army paratrooper and as a CIA case officer for a total of 27 years of federal service. In October 2001, Mr. Seeger led a CIA paramilitary team into Afghanistan. He splits his time between western New York and Central New Mexico.
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